Board of Directors & Committees


SDREB relies on strong leadership to drive change and achieve our mission of helping Ontario REALTORS® succeed in building healthier communities.
The SDREB Board of Directors provides guidance and guides the strategic direction of the association.
The board governs on behalf of our members while representing the interests of the organization.

SDREB is led by a volunteer 7-member board of directors, comprised of the following positions:
Directors (4)

Every Director must be a Member of the Board in good standing, be at least eighteen years of age and have completed the Free OREA Leadership 100 Course.
To find out more about being a director, contact the board office (519) 426-4454


List of Committees/Task Forces:

Governance / REALTOR® Value / Government Relations / Publicity & Public Relations / Finance / Technology

Events Task Force (Golf, REALTOR® Trade Show and Christmas Luncheon)

Committees are designated groups of individuals mandated to carry out specified duties as assigned to them and are referred to as the ‘workhorse’ of the board of directors.
There are two types of committees at SDREB: standing committees and one Task Force.

To become a Committee Volunteer or Chair, you will need to:

1. Be an SDREB member in good standing.
2. Have completed the OREA Leadership 100 and 200 courses before the first committee meeting.

Each committee has a mandate or Terms of Reference that outlines its function. Some committees require some specialized skills/experience/qualifications.
To Find out more about volunteering on an SDREB Committee, contact the Board office (519) 426–4454

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